I did it!!!

July 1, 2013
Patrick's Graduation 2013

Patrick’s Graduation


After 9 years, I was finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and get my degree. It was not easy sacrificing my evenings and weekends, waking up at three or four in the morning to study, and giving up precious time with my wife and daughter, but I think it was worth.

New Website

June 28, 2013

New website: www.psaphotography.com

All things (good or bad) come to an end

April 26, 2013

The main reason I started this blog was to talk about the French language from a student’s perspective. Having completed Bachelor of Arts Liberal Studies this week, I thought it would be a good idea to take a break and spend some quality time with my love ones and have, therefore, decided to close this blog.

All the best to those who have read my posts!

Mauritius – Independence Day

March 12, 2013

I still love my native country.

4 years ago…

December 11, 2012

I was about to become a father and my life was about to change permanently for the better even if I have not had a good night sleep since then.  I miss the days when I was holding a tiny but living human being in my hands. The little being has become a talking machine now and she know how to dance like Psy.

Italic Handwriting – Two Years Later

June 22, 2012

Italic Handwriting

In May 2010, I decided to learn the italic hand. It was not an easy thing to do because I had to unlearn many of “bad” habits and learn new ones.  I needed to practice for many hours just to be able to shape my letters to look somewhat italic. It is clear in the above picture that I was not very good at drawing italic letters back then.  The next step after that was to join some of my letters and to be honest, there was a time when I wondered if I would ever be able to join my letters.

Today, my italic handwriting looks like this:


While there is still a lot of room for improvement, I honestly believe that I have made a lot of progress. I cannot wait to see what it will look like in two years.

Italic – Renaissance Style

June 9, 2012

I’ve watched this video many times and still cannot get enough of it. This is a domain, in my opinion, where technology will never be able to take over for if it did, the final product would not have a soul.

Parenting style and Angelica

May 21, 2012

So far we have been very lucky with Angelica when shopping at the supermarket. She seems to understand very well when we tell her that we will not buy everything she wants. For example, the other day, she grabbed a box of Smarties, but quietly put it back on the shelves when we told her that we would not buy it because we already had some at home, and that we would give her some later.

I think our parenting style has a lot to do with her reaction. We don’t  lie to her. When we tell her “one last bite,” we mean one last bite. We will not come back with another “one last bite.” We also try to give her an explanation she can understand whenever we say no. In the case of the Smarties, we did give her some when we got back home as promised. We don’t always say no either.  When we feel that she deserves a treat, we will give her. If not, we will tell her “not this time” or “next time.”  And most importantly, in our opinion, we let her explain why she wants this or that, and not just say “because we said so.”


Am I a glutton for punishment?

April 20, 2012

I must really like Psychology for even if I always complain that there is a lot to read, I keep taking them. In May, I will be taking “Developmental Psychology” which will be my fifth Psychology course after Introductory Psychology, Psychopathology, Social Psychology, and Physiological Psychology . To say that I cannot wait for this course to begin would be an understatement. I have the feeling that the reading for this course is going to be very interesting (to me) because I will be able to compare it with what I am experiencing in real life.

I think the reason why I keep taking Psychology courses is that in each one of them, I learned a valuable lesson. For example, in Social Psychology, I learned that to persuade someone to do something, we can evoke fear and give the same person an option to get rid of the negative feeling. Salespeople like to use this strategy when they want to persuade someone to buy additional warranty.


Aap Jaisa Koi

March 1, 2012

For those who don’t know, “Aap Jaisa Koi” is a Hindi/Urdu song sung by Nazia Hassan and released in 1980. I looked for this song for quite a while without success and gave up. Not knowing the title of the song meant that my chances of success were virtually nil. But today, I struck gold when I least expected it. While listening to “Pisime Zouké” by Zouk Machine on YouTube, I clicked on one of the suggested links and was pleasantly suprised to hear the song that I had been looking for for so long. I am so happy to be able to listen to this song again, 32 years after having heard it for the first time.